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Odoo Invoicing

Follow these steps to successfully establish the connexion between your software and Odoo.

Updated over a week ago


  • The integration is enabled for Odoo versions 13 and above for et Odoo SaaS.

  • A "custom" pricing plan is necessary for the activation of the integration with Odoo. (Odoo's Plans & Pricing)


Watch this video:

1. Find your Odoo URL.

2. Find the version of your Odoo account

  • Go to Odoo → Parameters

3. Find your account's database name by activating the developer mode and looking up the data on your home page.


Step 1: Choose a name for your connexion.

Step 2: Enter the url of your Odoo instance.

Step 3: Enter the version of your odoo account.

Step 4: Enter the database name

Step 5: Enter your Odoo account username.

Step 6: Enter your Odoo account password.

⚠️ Please note that is you activated the MFA on your Odoo account, you will need to setup an API Key and use it instead of your password.

Step 6-1: If you need to generate an API Key, log into Odoo and click on the right top corner button and on "preferences".

Step 6-2: Select "Account security"

Step 6-3: Select "New API key"

Step 6-4: Fill your password

Step 6-5: Give a name to your api key and give "persistant key" as duration.

Step 6-6: Here is your API key that you can use in Chift funnel to connect Odoo.

Step 7: Click "Connect" to finalise the connexion.


Step 1: Select the company to connect to on Odoo.

Step 2: Click "Submit" to finalise the configuration

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